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时间:2018/12/18 14:39:02  来源:广州热线


2019 Dubai Spring Auction

  玩古瓷的朋友都知道,有一种叫做“豇豆红”的瓷器,是清康熙朝非常特殊的品类。豇豆红是铜红高温釉中的一种,为清代康熙晚期出现的铜红釉品种。因其色调淡雅宜人,以不均匀的粉红色、犹如红豇豆一般、造型轻灵秀美而得名。 又因其浅红娇艳似小孩脸蛋、如三月桃花,又被人称为“娃娃脸”、“桃花片”、“美人醉”。Friends who play ancient porcelain know that there is a kind of porcelain called "red bean red", which is a very special category of Kangxi Dynasty. Kidney bean red is one of the copper red high temperature glazes, which is the copper red glaze variety that appeared in the late Kangxi period in the Qing Dynasty. Because of its light and pleasant color, it is named after the uneven pink, like the red kidney beans, the shape is light and beautiful. Because of its light red and delicate like a child’s face, such as March peach, it is also known as "baby face", "peach flower", "beautiful drunk".

  豇豆红釉质都很匀净细腻,含有粉质。红釉中往往散缀有因烧制时氧化还原不同形成的天然绿色苔点。釉色有上下高低之分。上乘者,名为“大红袍”或“正红”,釉色明快鲜艳,通体一色,洁净无瑕。居中者,釉如豇豆皮,含有深浅不一的斑点,甚是柔和悦目。有的器身或口沿露出“缺陷美”的绿斑苔点,今称作“美人醉”或“美人霁”。色调再浅些被称为“娃娃面”或“桃花片”,虽不如深者美艳但却有幽雅娇嫩之态。下品者,或色调更浅,或晦暗浑浊,名为“乳鼠皮”或“榆树皮”。至于器身呈灰黑不匀的“驴肝、马肺”色,与器下部呈黑釉焦泡的一类,则为最次品。豇豆红无大器,常见为文房用具,如太白尊(水盂)、石榴尊、菊瓣瓶、柳叶瓶、洗、印盒等。Kidney bean red enamel is very smooth and delicate, containing powdery. The red glaze is often embossed with natural green moss spots formed by redox at the time of firing. The glaze has a high and low level. The superior, named "Dahongpao" or "Positive Red", the glaze is bright and bright, all in one body, clean and flawless. The centerer, glazed like peas, contains different shades of light, and is very soft and pleasing to the eye. Some body or mouth along the "defective beauty" of the green spotted moss point, today called "beautiful drunk" or "beauty." The color tone is called "Doll Face" or "Peach Blossom Piece". Although it is not as beautiful as the deep one, it has a delicate and delicate state. The next product, or lighter shades, or dark and turbid, called "milk skin" or "bark bark". As for the body of the body, the color of the liver and horse lungs is gray and black, and the lower part of the device is black glaze, which is the worst. Kidney bean red has no large utensils, and is often used as a stationery, such as Taibai Zun (Water Margin), Pomegranate Zun, Chrysanthemum Bottle, Willow Bottle, Wash, and Print Box.

  传世的豇豆红以小件居多,如印盒、尊、柳叶瓶、菊瓣瓶等,其器底都有“大清康熙年制”三行六字楷书官窑款,主要是康熙宫廷所用的文房用具。雍正时虽有少量烧制,但釉色灰暗。雍正鉴定后已很难见到了。豇豆红的烧成难度大,制作时间短,所以传世数量极少,历来是收藏家搜猎的目标。天津博物馆收藏了一件康熙豇豆红釉太白尊,其釉色红绿相间,呈现出桃花春浓般的奇趣,正如清人洪北江诗誉:“绿如春水初生日,红似朝霞欲上时。The cowpea red that is delivered is mostly small, such as printed boxes, statues, willow bottles, daisy bottles, etc. At the bottom of the machine, there are three lines of six-character kiln in the “Da Qing Kangxi Year System”, which is mainly used for Kangxiyuan. household items. Although there was a small amount of shooting during the sputum, the glaze was dark. It is difficult to see after the identification of Yongzheng. Cowpea red is difficult to burn, and production time is short, so the number of handed down is very small, and has always been the target of collectors. The Tianjin Museum has a collection of Kangxi Kidney Bean Red Glaze Taibai Zun. Its glaze is red and green, showing a peach-like spring-like singularity, just like the red Beijiang poems of the Qing Dynasty: "Green as spring water birthday, red as morning light.

  如果说“郎窑红”是我国红釉中色彩最鲜艳的一种,“豇豆红”则是铜红釉中最为名贵的一种。这些红釉器均在清代烧制成功,结束了明代以来近二百年红釉器衰落的局面,可谓功在千秋,从此我国陶瓷的彩釉装饰,出现了更加繁荣的的局面。豇豆红之所以蜚声瓷界珍贵无比,一方面是由于其釉色如婴孩双颊微赤,美人初开笑颜;或红似海棠花初放、桃花绽开;或如早霞朦胧、旭日东升,富有无限诗意。另一方面也由于烧成条件极难掌握,是铜红釉最难烧的一种。根据目前科学分析和显微观察的结果表明,豇豆红必须重叠挂釉两三层。If “Lang Yaohong” is the most vivid color in China’s red glaze, “Vigna red” is the most valuable one among copper red glaze. These red glazes were successfully fired in the Qing Dynasty, ending the decline of the red glaze in the nearly two hundred years since the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that the work is in the future. From then on, the decorative glaze of Chinese ceramics has become more prosperous. The reason why cowpea red sings the porcelain world is precious, on the one hand, because its glaze color is like a baby’s cheeks, the beauty is smiling, or the red is like the jellyfish flower, the peach blossoms are blooming; or the morning glow, the rising sun, the rich poetry. On the other hand, since the firing conditions are extremely difficult to grasp, it is the most difficult to burn copper red glaze. According to the results of current scientific analysis and microscopic observation, cowpea red must overlap two or three layers of glaze.

  在窑内它既需使用还还原焰煅烧,还要适当放入一些富于氧气的空气烧制,方能出现那种复杂微妙的绿色或桃红色,可说是巧夺天工。豇豆红仅见康熙一朝烧有此品种,而且是专供宫廷御用之器,流散民间的极为稀少。目前传世绝无大器,主要以文房用具为主,如菊瓣瓶、柳叶瓶、太白尊、石榴尊、笔洗、印盒等,器物底部均书“大清康熙年制”青花六字楷款,所以更为珍奇。In the kiln, it is necessary to use a reducing flame to calcine, but also to add some oxygen-enriched air to burn, in order to appear complex and subtle green or pink, can be said to be clever. Kidney red only saw this variety during the Kangxi era, it was designed specifically for the royal court. Dispersed people are very rare. At present, there are no major events in the world, mainly kitchen utensils, such as chrysanthemum bottles, willow bottles, white columns, pomegranates, wash pens, printing boxes, etc. At the bottom of the tableware are all the books of Daqing Kangxi Year. This word is too expensive, so it is even more rare.


Name: Qing Kangxi - Kidney Bean Red Elephant Ear Bottle

尺寸:口径8cm 高度25.7cm

Size:Caliber 8cm height 25.7cm

介绍:本品造型尊贵典雅,曲线优美怡人,胎体坚实,胎质细腻,通体施明丽的豇豆红釉,釉水凝厚莹亮,红似朝霞,红中泛有浅色斑块,并有星点绿苔映出,淡恬文静,赏心悦目;长颈撇口,瓶颈附双象耳,圈足修削工整,无聚釉垂流之患,足内施白釉,青花底书“大清康熙年制”楷书款,实属佳品。The product is noble and elegant, the curve is beautiful and pleasant, the carcass is solid, the tire quality is excellent, the body is Shi Mingli’s red bean glaze, the enamel is thick and bright, the red is like morning light, the red is full of light spots, and there are stars. Green moss reflection, light and quiet, pleasing to the eye; long neck gargle, binaural elephant bottleneck, rounded foot trimming, no glaze stagnation, foot glaze white glaze, blue and white book "Da Qing Kangxi year system is a good product.






