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展览预告 | 关系——2021中国当代艺术邀请展

时间:2021/8/1 16:14:11  来源:深圳美术馆



主办 Organizer

深圳美术馆  Shenzhen Art Museum

展期 Duration

2021年8月4日至8月22日 August 4th - August 22nd, 2021

 Art Director

陈履生 Chen Lvsheng 

学术主持 Academic host

彭 锋 Peng Feng

策 展 人 Curator

游  江  孙  粹You Jiang  Sun Cui

策展助理 Exhibition Assistant

邓丽君  张  腾   邓正杰Deng Lijun  Zhang Teng  Deng Zhengjie

设计 Designer

一木设计 YIMU

地点 Venue

深圳美术馆  Shenzhen Art Museum

摄影 Potographer

张腾 Zhang Teng 

鸣谢 Acknowledgement

深圳市宣传文化基金 Shenzhen Publicity and Culture Fund

参展艺术家(按照姓氏笔画为序) Artists(Order By Strokes of Surname)


Wang Yezi  Yu Jia  Ying Tianqi  Li Zhengde  Li JingHuChen Jie  Yang Guang  Huang Yishan  Yao Mingfeng   Dai Yun               

展览组委会Organizing Committee

主    任:张燕方
Director:Zhang Yanfang 

副 主 任:王子蚺Vice Director:Wang Ziran 

委员:(按姓氏笔划排列)Committee Member (Order By Strokes of Surname)

万黄婷  王子蚺  陈履生 张燕方 赵伟东  覃京侠 游 江 黎晓阳

Wan Huangting  Wang Ziran Chen Lvsheng Zhang Yanfang Zhao Weidong Qin Jingxia You Jiang Li Xiaoyang 




Ever since 2002 when Shenzhen Art Museum set “Local and Contemporary” as its academic theme, a series of contemporary art exhibitions and academic seminars have been held successfully which won the museum extensive reputation and attention in the art world. Meantime, Shenzhen Art Museum spared no efforts in supporting contemporary art creations and in demonstrating the spirits of contemporary artists, through exhibitions, collections and researches.

  “相聚热土”系列项目是深圳美术馆关注青年艺术、当代艺术的一个常设项目,在深圳市宣传文化基金的支持下,自2009年开始,每隔一年举办一次学术性的展览活动,已经成功地举办了五届。该项目每一届以学术主题展的方式,从本土艺术家出发,邀请国内优秀的艺术家参展,力求展现当代艺术家的艺术风格和成果。如“相聚热土——2009 深圳青年艺术家邀请展”“相聚热土——2013 深圳青年艺术家邀请展”“温度——2015当代艺术邀请展”“透镜——2017 中国当代艺术展”“法模·心范——2019中国当代艺术邀请展”等。

The Gathering in Shenzhen Exhibition Series are regular exhibitions at Shenzhen Art Museum which are focused on the works of young artists and contemporary arts. Supported by the Shenzhen Publicity and Culture Fund, the exhibition was started in 2009 and held once every two years since then over the past more than ten years. So far, five exhibitions have been held successfully, and each exhibition was focused on an academic theme and participated by some outstanding native artists invited, showing the artistic styles and latest achievements of contemporary artists. Such exhibitions include: the Gathering in Shenzhen – 2009 Shenzhen Young Artists’ Works Exhibition, the Gathering in Shenzhen – 2013 Shenzhen Young Artists’ Works Exhibition, the Thermomatter – 2015 China Contemporary Art Exhibition, the Simulacrum Living – 2017 Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, and the Inheritance · Innovation – 2019 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, etc.


From globalization to reverse globalization, our world keeps changing all the time. It turns FLAT in the Information Age, FAST in the Internet Age, and DEEP as technologies play more roles in the physical world. If year 2020 is to be a critical point in history, on the one hand, the Post-pandemic Age has treated people with painful lessons that they “see nothing” beyond the carnival of “plausible” simulacra in the Post-image Age, while on the other hand life experience after the pandemic let people see the mighty powers of mother nature. People are moving from a progressive view to the philosophical question “is it empty out there”. Therefore, what keeps iterating with this world is not only the physical world that we are observing, but also our understanding of the world.


To the Beyond the Perspective · 2021 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitation Exhibition, we have invited 10 artists: Ying Tianqi, Yu Jia, Dai Yun, Chen Jie, Li Zhengde, Li Jinghu, Yang Guang, Huang Yishan, Yao Mingfeng, and Wang Yezi. They will focus their works on the theme “Beyond the Perspective” and present the audience with their independent thinking and art styles in the context of globalization, based on their personal experiences and perspective. The materials they use to build the art works are taken from our city, and the content of their arts are extracted from our daily lives. It seems that the elaborately organized art materials and languages have the wisdom of their creators in there. Though we most often neglect them, they have been deeply integrated into our life experiences and even cultures. Bricks, concrete, mosaic, ceramic tiles, metal, wires… the elements in these art works have presented us a changing world, to some extent, from the life level or in other words the technical level. The diverse perspective and art expression of artists not only broadens people’s perception of the world, but also pushes us to a deeper understanding of the world.

Shenzhen Art Museum
August 2021



Section One: Plausibility

王叶子《约等于悉尼歌剧院》57cm × 43cm × 7cm 装置 2018-2019

王叶子《约等于悉尼歌剧院2》57cm × 43cm × 7cm 装置 2018-2019

王叶子《约等于兵马俑》57cm × 43cm × 7cm 装置 2018-2019

李政德《图层系列:城市1》112.5cm × 200cm 微喷 2020

李政德《图层系列:驾校》119.15cm × 150cm 微喷 2019

李政德《图层系列:观摩》80cm × 100cm 微喷 2019


Section Two: See but See Nothing

戴耘《物境—6》60cm × 60cm × 10.5cm 水泥、建筑废料、现成品 2018

戴耘《再造——操场》56cm × 49cm × 25cm 水泥、建筑废料、现成品 2019

戴耘《双子座》24cm × 29cm × 40cm ×2 水泥、建筑废料、现成品 2019

杨光《新景观2016》尺寸可变 装置 2016

杨光《新景观2016》局部 尺寸可变 装置 2016

杨光《新景观2016》局部 尺寸可变 装置 2016

余加《纸故乡》局部 60cm × 40cm × 30cm 装置 2021

余加《纸故乡》局部 60cm × 40cm × 30cm 装置 2021

余加《纸故乡》 60cm × 40cm × 30cm 装置 2021


Section Three: Nothing There

应天齐《徽洲之梦二》 93cm x 117cm  水印版画 2000年

应天齐《众声之声》局部  装置 2021年

应天齐《众声之声》350cm × 350cm × 165cm 装置 2021年

陈劼《关系-9 》21cm × 35cm × 37.5cm 空心砖、丙烯、VAE乳液、亚克力  2019 

陈劼《微弱关系-4》98cm × 71cm × 85cm 不锈钢(铸造)、废旧木头、铁片铁钉、VAE乳胶 2021

陈劼《镜像-7》110cm × 120cm 微喷 2020

李景湖 《陪伴》 尺寸可变 马赛克 2021

李景湖 《陪伴》局部 尺寸可变 马赛克 2021

李景湖《彩虹Ⅱ》 100cm × 100cm × 4cm ×3 装置  日用塑料碎片、亚克力框 2021

李景湖《彩虹Ⅱ》局部 装置  日用塑料碎片、亚克力框 2021

黄一山 《吻-1》 130cm × 104cm 板上综合材料 2017

黄一山《拥抱》 155cm × 110cm 板上综合材料 2019

姚明峰《测试》75cm × 91cm 收藏级喷印、铝塑板、亚克力 2020

姚明峰《参照系》100cm × 62cm 收藏级喷印、铝塑板、亚克力 2020

姚明峰《MY—59.94,25》尺寸可变 屏幕、音箱、海沙、鼠屋 2021

姚明峰《MY—1275和1》135cm×97cm 70cm×70cm 哈内姆勒艺术纸、铝合金画框、亚克力 2021


