
时间:2007/3/3 20:25:42






Beautiful Walk

To Journey of Fair Ladies,2007 Art Exhibition of Contemporary Female Artists

Zhen Xiuzheng

It took me only one month to edit Journey of Fair Ladies,Collections of Contemporary Female Artists. Although the whole work was done in a short time, I can not take credit for this on my own. I have also discovered the exceptional passion and enthusiasm of the artists who spent their valuable time to help me with the exhibition even during the spring festival.

It is the book that motivated me to attempt the organization of this exhibition, I can hardly believe I was able to meet so many wonderful female artists. They are exceptional people, their works are exquisite and they are very passionate.

Compared to their male counterparts, females artists shoulder more trivialties and they are more sensitive. Therefore, their works have clearer implication. It is such an interesting topic which has facilitated this exhibition and collection.

I am especially grateful to, Mr. Xiehai, curator and art critic, who constructed the framework for this exhibition. I also want to thank Zhu Jun and Zhu Tao for the wonderful artistic design. Finally,  thanks to my friends, Zhang Lin, Xinhejiayu and all the other artists who made the exhibition possible.